Monday 5 October 2009

Preliminary task - notes and diagrams

180 degree rule - This rule is one of the most important rules of film making. It makes sure that the audience is not confused by which way round objects or people are. For example if someone shot two people talking then cut and shot the next part of the scene beyond 180 degrees from where the first shot was, the people talking would be sitting the other way round and this could confuse the audience. Therefore there is an 180 degree rule which means the scene can only be shots within 180 degrees. However if the camera was to move round from one shot to the other breaking the 180 degree rule but in one shot that would be allowed as the audience would see the camera move from one place to another.

Match on action - This makes sure the scene has continuity. When shooting a scene you must make sure that whenever you cut, the next shot has to pick up from where it was left no matter what the camera angle is. Match on action makes sure that the same action and pace is kept from shot to shot so that it looks realistic and contineous. For exmaple in one shot someone may be holding their handbag in their right hand and the next shot they may be holding the bag in their left. The technique of match on action makes sure this does not happen.

Shot reverse shot - This is a common tenchnique used in film making. An example of shot reverse shot would be two people (A and B) having a conversation sitting opposite each other, the camera would shoot one part of the scene from the back of person B looking at person A, however you would see the back profile of person B so that the audience knows they are there. Then the camera would cut to the back of person A looking person B and the scene would keep switching between the two shots.

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